Why Sing?

The Singing Room

Community Choir


When did you last sing?

In the shower?

In the car?

Along to the radio?

When did you last sing with other people?

For many of you it might not have been since school.

Singing with others can be a fantastic experience offering the opportunity to

  • Meet new people,
  • Learn new songs
  • Challenge yourself
  • Develop your vocal skills.
  • Enjoy yourself
  • Build confidence in singing
  • Perform

Did you know the benefits of singing with others have been scientifically proven?

It's an aerobic activity!

It reduces stress levels!

It gives a sense of community and belonging!

Regular exercising of the vocal chords can help you live longer!

Singing with others produces endorphins just like eating chocolate but with no calories!

Oxytocin is released while singing which relieves anxiety and stress!

It's not even about how well you sing. It doesn't matter. It is simply the act of singing with others.

We could go on with even more facts but hey...

Why not just come along and give it a try.

It's fun!